
Monday, August 4, 2014

The Savior as Messiah

I have to confess, I had to look up the definition for "Messiah." We use it so often in Church, but when I thought of a succinct way to define it, I couldn't. According to the dictionary, Messiah means, "one who is anticipated as, regarded as, or professes to be a savior or liberator." In terms of Christianity, the definition of Messiah is Jesus. 

After figuring this out, then, I got to thinking - what does the Messiah save me from? How is He my liberator? Kind of a simple question, but coming up with the answer helped me really recognize all that the Savior does for me.


1. He saves me from the bonds of sin. 

Jesus Christ suffered for my sins, and because of that I can repent. Because He was willing to endure every sin and pain imaginable, I am able to be washed clean of the wrongs that I commit. I know that regardless of what I go through in this life, He has been there and has experienced what I am feeling, and He is there to help.

2. He saves me from an eternal death. 

He died for me and, three days later, He rose again. The Savior makes it possible for me to live with my family again after this life. He has taken away the sting and fear of death, because I know that it is not the end for me, nor is it for my friends and family.


3. He saves me from loneliness.

Because of Jesus Christ, I am able to have a constant friend and companion. Through my ability to pray to the Father in Christ's name, I can ask for comfort and strength. He provides His spirit to guide and direct me. He is my elder brother and He loves me. No matter what happens, I know I have Him.

4. He saves me from uncertainty. 

As the song says, "I know that my Redeemer lives." This phrase alone holds in it the power to attain knowledge of so many other Gospel principles. Because of Him, I can know that prayer works, that the Priesthood can heal, that families can be together forever. Because of Him, I know that we have a prophet of God on the Earth today. I can be certain of what my future will be, if I just follow the principles of His Gospel.

I know this video has been watched millions of times, but I suggest you make it a million and one. Remind yourself today of what is made possible because of Jesus Christ and His role as the Messiah on this Earth and then, tell me in the comments below...

What does Jesus Christ save you from?


  1. Besides everything listed above, Jesus Christ has personally saved me from my chronic illness. Although I haven't been cured, there have been days when I have been in pain and through prayer and/or a priesthood blessing the pain has been relieved. I know He suffered in Gethsemene for many, many things, including chronic illness.

  2. Beautiful! This will give me something to think about and reflect on for quite a while. Thank you. I'm loving this blog.
