
Monday, July 21, 2014

Becoming Happy

I don't know how many of you have seen this Mormon Message. It's over 4 years old, and still one of my favorites. The message depicts NieNie's story. It is absolutely beautiful. Over 80% of Stephanie Nielson's body was burned in a plane crash. She manages to see the good in her life. She has her rough days, just like the rest of us. Her story has amazed me. Her example is phenomenal. Through Christ, we have countless chances to become happy within our situation. 

I know that in my personal life, I have had many struggles. These struggles haven't been half of what Stephanie has gone through. Through her example, I know that I can become happy, through the gospel. Christ went through what he did so don't have to suffer. No matter what situation you are in, you CAN get over the hill and be happy about your current state.

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